Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Format for a General Permissions Letter - For book Although you can buy pre-printed permissions forms in triplicate at an office supply store, you may simply use a business-letter format that includes the following information: 1. Date 2. Name and address of author or publisher the form is submitted to. 3. Tentative title for your book; publisher’s name; publication date. 4. Whether book will be hardcover or paperback. 5. The exact material you wish to quote (either copied into letter if short, or attached). Identify where material came from, i.e., Page 16, paragraph two through page 18, paragraph 5. 6. Indicate what rights you are requesting. Be sure to make the request broad enough so you do not have to come back and ask for additional rights later. Usually it is for non-exclusive world rights in all languages, for this and all subsequent printings of your book. Also assure them that the granting of these rights will in no way restrict their use of the material or prevent them from granting similar rights to others. 7. Ask that if they do not control the rights to this material, that they will let you know who does, including name and address of that person/publisher. 8. Let them know what credit line you plan to use in the book for this quote (giving them the opportunity to amend it if desired). 9. Generally it is not necessary to mention the possibility of your paying them to use this quote. It is better to work under the assumption they will grant permission for free. If you do include anything, say something like: “Please let me know if a fee is required, so we can decide whether to include it in the above-named book.” 10. Include appropriate lines at the bottom where they may date and sign permission, plus include the name, title, and address of the permission grantor. 11. Send two copies of the letter, telling them to keep one for their records and return the other to you.

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